MAMI | Mario Banushi

Onassis Stegi Friends presale - Phase A': from 20 SEP 2024, 17:00

General presale - Phase A': from 23 SEP 2024, 17:00

06.02 — 22.03.2025
Thursday - Friday - Saturday 20:30
Sunday 14:00

"My mother brought me into the world along with thousands of other children. She was a midwife. MAMI, a hymn for all the women who raised me."


The performances on February 27th and 28th and March 1rst will be held according to universal accessibility standards in collaboration with the cultural organization liminal. In particular, they include interpretation in Greek sign language and Greek surtitles for deaf and hard of hearing people, as well as tactile tours of the stage and audio descriptions for people with visual impairment.

Accessibility services are provided with the support of the Europe Beyond Access network, co-funded by the "Creative Europe" program of the European Union.

Please contact or call 213 017 8036 to book universal accessibility tickets.

Presales not yet started.

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