Tickets are strictly for personal use and are non-transferable.

Tickets can only be returned under certain conditions:

- In the event a performance is cancelled, in whole or in part, ticket holders will be informed about how to claim their refund via an announcement on the Onassis Stegi website – onassis.org.

In case of cancelation by a ticket holder, tickets can only be refunded if they are canceled no later than 12:00 noon on the previous day of the performance for which they were issued.

Tickets that have been lost, stolen, or destroyed are not covered by Onassis Stegi.

Terms & Conditions

The Onassis Stegi has created an online service allowing tickets to be purchased quickly and efficiently. Please confirm that you agree to the following terms, as any further use or navigation of the Onassis Stegi website (”Site”) implies explicit and unreserved acceptance of these terms. The Onassis Stegi reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions; the terms published at any time on the Site are the terms in force at that time.

The Terms governing Ticket Purchases are supplementary to the Site’s Terms of Use. Each ticket purchased constitutes permission to attend the specified Onassis Stegi event and is subject to any additional terms that may be stated on the ticket itself.

Only credit and debit card purchases can be accepted for online ticket sales. All Visa® and MasterCard® credit and debit cards are accepted on the Site. User transactions on the Site are protected by sophisticated online security systems (a digital certificate encrypted with SSL 256-bit or higher technology, use of the credit or debit card’s 3-digit CVV security code, and additional e-commerce security systems such as Verified by Visa™ from Visa® and SecureCode™ from MasterCard®), which guarantee a secure online transaction environment. The credit or debit card is charged at the point of booking on completion of the online transaction.

For security reasons, the Onassis Stegi does not save credit or debit card information for future use. Consequently, users must re-enter their information every time they use the Site to purchase tickets. Having entered the required credit or debit card details, the user declares that they have the legal right to use the card in question. The Onassis Stegi bears no responsibility whatsoever for non-legal credit or debit card use. The provision of credit or debit card details constitutes a declaration that the user accepts to be bound for a sum of money corresponding to the ticket price. The service provided by the Site relates to credit or debit card purchases and not simple bookings.

Should the credit or debit card transaction be rejected by the issuing bank or credit card network for any reason (for instance, due to the credit limit being exceeded or to suspected fraud), the ticket order will be canceled automatically.

Should the online ticket process be interrupted for any reason, or if any other problem prevents the credit or debit card from being charged, the ticket booking will be canceled. If a message confirming the ticket booking fails to appear on a confirmation screen after your details have been sent to complete the payment process, if an error message is displayed, or if the service is interrupted while your details are in the process of being sent, please contact the Onassis Stegi. The Onassis Stegi bears no responsibility for monetary or other losses incurred by the user should he not receive a booking confirmation for any reason.

If the amount you paid for a ticket is obviously wrong, irrespective of why this occurred (wrongly entered information or incorrect information or a mistake in the www.onassis.org software), Onassis Stegi reserves the right to cancel your ticket and refund the value of the ticket.

The Onassis Stegi has done everything in its power to ensure that the use of the Site and the services therein are as secure as possible. Specifically, Onassis Stegi has taken every recommended measure to protect the Site from viruses and illegal or unauthorized use―for instance, unauthorized ticket sales or links. However, in no way does it guarantee the uninterrupted and problem-free operation of the Site. The Onassis Stegi does everything in its power to ensure that the information and overall contents of the Site are both complete and correct, but it does not guarantee that this is the case. The user acknowledges that the program of events published on the Site can change for reasons beyond the control of the Onassis Stegi when, for example, an artist is sick or unable to perform. The Onassis Stegi is not liable in any way for any losses incurred by the user during their visit to the Site, during their use of the services provided on the Site, and/or as a result of their temporary inability to use those services.



This website https://www.onassis.org/ (hereinafter "Website") is owned by the company under the name “ARIONA HELLAS CULTURAL, TECHNICAL AND CONSTRUCTIONAL SOCIETE ANONYME” and distinctive title “ARIONA S.A.” (G.E.MI. no: 1220017010000), with registered seat in Athens, Greece acting as representative in Greece of Onassis Foundation (hereinafter “the Company”).

By using this Website the visitor/user agrees unconditionally to the present Terms of Use which are applicable to the whole content, pages, images, photographs and materials that are included in the Website (hereinafter “the Terms”). Therefore the visitor/user shall read carefully the Terms prior to making use of its services and if disagrees, he/she shall refrain from using the services and content of this Website.

The Company maintains the right to amend wholly or partially the Terms at any time and without notice. In this respect, the Company will upload on the Website the Terms that are applicable at the given time in order to duly inform the visitor/user. For this reason, the latter is advised to check periodically the content of the particular webpages for any amendments. By continuing to use the Website and/or its services following any amendments, the visitor/user is considered of having agreed unconditionally to the amended Terms.

With regards to the processing of your personal data through our Website and related services, please visit our Privacy Notice.


Apart from the exceptions that are explicitly referred to herein (copyrights of third parties, of associates and institutions), the content on this Website is property of the Company acting as administrator of the Website and protected pursuant to the applicable Greek and European copyright laws as well as to relevant international conventions. The content entails, without limitation, texts, images, plans, graphics, applications, videos and services as well as brands, trademarks and features that are owned by the administrator and/or the parties which are identified in the Website as owners of the particular rights; such rights being subject to the protection of the applicable copyright legislation.


The Company encourages the private use of the Website’s content for personal briefing as well as for educational or research scopes. The use within the context of an enterprise or service or organization is not considered private use. Only for educational and research purposes is it permitted to reproduce or save in isolation webpages or data provided that their origin from the Website is presented, the name of the creators (given that these are disclosed in the Website) is mentioned and that in no way are any related copyright rights infringed. However, the visitor/user shall be aware that certain files or data may be considered the intellectual property of third parties (associates, organizations, corporations etc) and that they may not be used without the permission of such third parties (as may be displayed in the Website).

The storage, reproduction, republication, transmission or distribution of any part of the Website’s content for commercial purposes or any other use that is not included in the above paragraph is strictly forbidden.

The storage, reproduction, republication, transmission or distribution of registered trademarks or service trademarks of the Company as well as of collaborating entities that appear on the Website is strictly forbidden.

Visitor/User responsibility

The Website shall be used exclusively for lawful purposes and in a way that will not restrict or prevent the use by third parties. Each visitor/user shall abide by the rules and provisions of the applicable Greek, European and International law and shall use the Website in compliance with the law, ethics and the present Terms. Each visitor/user is obligated to refrain from any illegal and abusive behavior during the Website use and in connection to it and assumes all responsibility for any damages that may be caused to the Company and/or third party from any misconduct or unfair use of the Website and related services that are offered through it.


The Website may contain links to other websites or allow, now or in the future, access to websites through links, hyperlinks and/or advertisement banners of third parties individuals or corporations.

Such links are provided for the convenience and informative purposes of the users. Use of any of these links is made at the sole risk and responsibility of the visitor/user. These third parties’ websites are subject to their own terms of use for which the Company assumes no responsibility nor any connection.

The Company assumes no responsibility and makes no representation for the content, the privacy policy, the accuracy, lawfulness, timeliness, quality , safety of other websites through such links nor for the servers by which the Website and the other websites are accessed by the visitor/user. The Company cannot be held liable for any deficiencies or malfunction of third parties’ websites as well as for any damages of the visitor/user arising from the access and use of any information, services and products through such websites.

Validity – Liability Limitation

The Company undertakes every effort to ensure that the content and information in this Website are characterized by, to the extent possible, accuracy, comprehensiveness, timeliness and availability. However, the Company makes no representation whatsoever that the webpages, services, selections or content will be provided without interruptions or deficiencies nor does it guarantee that all deficiencies may be rectified. In addition, the Company does not make any representation or warranty that the Website or any third parties linked websites or servers will be provided without “viruses” or other harmful elements. The Company does not in any way represent or warrant the accuracy or availability of the content, webpages, services, selections or their results. The Company assumes no responsibility for any kind of damages that the visitor/user may suffer from the use, on his/her own initiative and knowledge of the Terms, of the webpages, services, selections and content of the Website.

Each visitor/user shall take all appropriate security measures (e.g. firewalls etc) prior to any download from the Website. The visitor/user bears the cost of any corrections or repairs while the Company is in no way liable for such costs. The visitor/user is responsible for the access to the Website which may be subject to payment of third parties’ fees (e.g. internet service providers, fees for the time of stay online). The visitor/user is exclusively responsible to pay the relevant fees. Moreover, the visitor/user is sole responsible for his/her personal equipment and necessary technological means that allow him/her to access the Website’s services.

Miscellaneous / Governing Law

The invalidity, in whole or in part, of any provision of these Terms due to failure to comply with the relevant applicable law shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

The present Terms constitute the entire binding agreement between the Company and the Website’s visitor/user.

An amendment of the present Terms shall not be valid nor considered as part of the Terms unless it is recorded and proven in writing and incorporated in the present Terms.

The present Terms, and any amendment hereof are governed by and interpreted in accordance with laws of Greece and of the European Union as well as with relevant international conventions. Any disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Athens, Greece.